

The Department of Law of National Taipei University of Law was transformed from the Department of Law of Chung Hsing University of Law and Business, which has nurtured countless legal talent working into practice fields. In order to advance our academic research and promote law education, we established the Center for Civil Law Studies in 2007.


Members of such center include 16 professors specialized in civil substantive law and procedural law. Another graduate student hired as an assistant to assist the administration.


The purpose of establishing this center, from academic research perspectives, is to combine the expertise of the members who studied abroad in different countries in order to enrich the study of civil law; and from legal education perspective, is to strengthen the teaching contents and promote cross-area learning. The goal is to nurture the legal talents with broader perspective. We also hope to achieve, on academic research and legal education areas, a deep root in Taiwan and broad vision to the world.


For the purpose of achieving the vision, we mainly advance the interaction between academic and practice field. Our center members always cooperate with practitioners. For instance, holding the academic seminar with bar association to catch the needs of practice field. Secondly, we also invite the experts and scholars of civil substantive law and procedural law to give speeches each semester in school that provides students with different scopes of learning. Furthermore, the members of center facilitate international interaction by inviting the scholars, judges and attorneys of different countries including Japan, Korea, Germany, USA, China, etc. to visit the college and exchange.

Through the foregoing different forms of speeches and seminars, we provided opportunities for not only our members but other legal researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas and dialogues. This also allows our teachers and students to have the chance to grasp the trend of international jurisprudence and learn from the talents of other countries to improve our research level of civil law and expand our international perspective.

In teaching, we want emphasize the cultivation of critical thinking in law by fundamental courses, case studies and diversified courses so as to develop students’ legal studying abilities. With the purpose of achieving the scholarly and working ability, we encourage students to combine interdisciplinary field and law skills. We will also have a plan that publishing the comment for Civil Law Judgment to gather the researching achievements of our memberships, providing the combinative textbook for students.


The success of the center is obvious to all since its establishment. Not only frequent domestic and international academic exchanges, but also with establish a profound friendship to other school, and jointly promote a good academic.


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